
Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2015

Pengertian Tense

                                                  Pengertian Tenses Tenses berasal dari sebuah bahasa Latin yaitu tempus yang memiliki makna waktu. Tenses merupakan bentuk waktu dalam bahasa inggris yang ditandai dengan perubahan kata kerja tertentu dan memiliki kalimat dari setiap jenis tenses.    Dalam tenses, terdapat beberapa perubahan verb (kata kerja) menurut waktunya, sehingga dibutuhkan list atau daftar kata kerja yang harus diketahui, terutama bentuk irregular verb (kata kerja tidak beraturan), karena terdapat perbedaan dalam penggunaan verb atau kata kerja di antaranya: -          Verb 1, yaitu kata kerja yang menunjukkan present yaitu, kata kerja murni tidak ada tambahan kecu...
The Clever Judge Once a lion, a fox and a donkey set off a day's hunting, after agreeing that each was to have an equal share of what was caught. After a time, they were able to pull down and kill a fat buck, and the lion asked the donkey to be so good as to divide the prize. As fairly as he could, the obliging donkey but the buck into three equal parts, and then he invited the lion to take his choice. At this, the lion flew into a violent rage, sprang on the poor donkey, and killed him with a powerful blow. Then the lion told the fox to divide the meat. This the fox did; but he was cunning. He put aside a big hear for the lion's share, only and kept a small piece for himself. On seeing this, the lion looked very pleased. "Master fox", he said, this indeed a most satisfactory divisor. who taught you to be so clever?" "The dead donkey has been my teacher, " replied the fox. "From his foolish conduct I have learned to be wise....