Pengertian Tense

                                                  Pengertian Tenses

Tenses berasal dari sebuah bahasa Latin yaitu tempus yang memiliki makna waktu. Tenses merupakan bentuk waktu dalam bahasa inggris yang ditandai dengan perubahan kata kerja tertentu dan memiliki kalimat dari setiap jenis tenses.

   Dalam tenses, terdapat beberapa perubahan verb (kata kerja) menurut waktunya, sehingga dibutuhkan list atau daftar kata kerja yang harus diketahui, terutama bentuk irregular verb (kata kerja tidak beraturan), karena terdapat perbedaan dalam penggunaan verb atau kata kerja di antaranya:
-         Verb 1, yaitu kata kerja yang menunjukkan present yaitu, kata kerja murni tidak ada tambahan kecuali untuk orang ketiga tunggal (he/she/it) terhadap penambahan “s atau es”.
-         Verb 2, yaitu kata kerja yang menunjukkan past tense.
-         Verb 3, yaitu kata kerja yang menunjukkan past participle.
Bahkan ada beberapa kata kerja yang tetap tidak mengalami perubahan. Mengetahui perubahan kata kerja merupakan modal yang harus dimiliki dalam pembelajaran.  

      Secara umum terdapat 12 tenses yang dikenal, namun ada pula yang mengungkapkan terdapat 4 tenses tambahan sehingga jumlahnya menjadi 16. 


12 Tenses (Inggris)
16 Tenses (Indonesia)
Present Tense
Present Tense
Simple Present Tense
Simple Present Tense
Present Continuous Tense
Present Continuous Tense
Present Perfect Tense
Present Perfect Tense
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Present Perfect Tense
Past Tense
Past Tense
Simple Past Tense
Simple Past Tense
Past Continuous Tense
Past Continuous Tense
Past Perfect Tense
Past Perfect Tense
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Future Tense
Future Tense
Simple Future Tense
Simple Future Tense
Future Continuous Tense
Future Continuous Tense
Future Perfect Tense
Future Perfect Tense
Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Past Future

Simple Past Future

Past Future Continuous

Past Future Perfect

Past Future Perfect Continuous


 Tense                                     Active

Simple         a the library, the book is read by indra
-         Present        S + V1 + S/es/o + O = Indra read the book in the library
-         Past             S + will + V1 + O = Indra will read the book
-         Future          S + V2 + O =  Indra read the book
-         Present         S + to be present + V1 + ing + O = Indra is read the book
-         Past              S + to be past + V1 + ing + O = Indra has reading the book
-         Future          S + will + be + V1 + ing + O = Indra will be reading the book
Perfect (has/have/had)
-         Perfect         S + has/have + V3 + O = Indra & Toni have read the book
-         Past             S + had + V3 + O = Indra & Toni had read the book
-         Future          S + will + have + V3 + O = Indra & Toni will have read the book

 Tense                                                Passive

-         Present        O + to be (present) + V3 + by S = The book is read by indra
-         Past            O + to be (past) + V3 + by S = The book has read by indra
-         Future         O + will + be + V3 + by S = The book will be read by indra
-         Present        O + to be + being + V3 + by S = The book is being read by indra
-         Past            O + to be + being + V3 + by S = The book is being read by indra
-         Future        O + will + be + being + V3 + by S = The book will read by indra
Perfect (has/have/had)
-         Perfect        O + has/have + been + V3 + by S = The book has been read by indra
-         Past            O + had + been + V3 + by S = The book had been read by indra
-         Future         O + will + have + been + V3 + by S = The book will have been read by indra


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